Thoughts on Heritage of Israel


In viewing the lecture called Heritage of Israel, which is part of the series Rekindling the Reformation, Dr. Walter Veith of Amazing Discoveries did an excellent job, as usual, in showing who is true Israel today, the name of God issue, and also showing irrefutable proof that the ceremonial law was done away with at the cross. I would like address some points that need some refining taken from the portion on the Feasts though.

A. Macroscopic and Microscopic Applications and New Covenant Changes:

Dr. Veith noted that, "these Feasts are fulfilled in Christ". Yes, there is the Macroscopic fulfillment of the Feasts which encompass the plan of salvation and are indeed fulfilled in what Jesus did, is doing, and is going to do. Dr. Veith further stated, "I cannot keep these feasts, because in Christ they are fulfilled." Rightly so that the Macroscopic portion is fulfilled in Christ, but he is missing the other side of the coin, which would be a Microscopic portion to the Feasts that have to do with our daily lives which should be lived in obedience to His directives. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross issued in the New Covenant and made void the Old Covenant.

The New Covenant brought with it many changes. Here are a few:

Righteousness by faith in Jesus and His ability to write His laws on our hearts/minds… However, faith needs to be expressed by doing the work of God and displaying the Fruits of the Spirit (Jeremiah 31: 31-32, Galatians 3-5, Hebrews 10: 38, James 2: 17, Galatians 5: 22-26).

Dr. Veith stated, "Ceremonial Law is gone". I agree entirely! No more rites, ceremonies, or required offerings/oblations (Daniel 9: 27, Hebrews 9 & 10; Patriarchs and Prophets, by EGW, p. 365; Desire of Ages, by EGW, p. 233 Signs of the Times, by EGW, July 29, 1886). But please note: These passages did NOT say that observance of Sabbaths (weekly and annual) as rest days from work with a focus on God stopped! Just that the rites, ceremonies, and offerings/oblations superimposed on the Sabbaths stopped.

Jesus is our sacrifice, but He still desires the sacrifice of a broken spirit, contrite heart, praise to Him, to do good and share with others (Psalm 51: 17, Sketches from the Life of Paul, by EGW, p. 105, I Peter 2: 5, 21-22, Hebrews 13: 15-16)

Circumcision is now to be of the heart…A new life after baptism lived for Christ (Acts 15, Colossians 2: 11-13)

Directions relating to the care, attendance, and services of the temple are not applicable anymore since Jesus now is in the Heavenly temple… However, we are to be impressed with the importance of caring for our bodies as the "temple of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 23: 38, 1 Corinthians 3: 16-17, 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20, I Peter 2: 5, 21-22 ).

No more worship in Jerusalem on the Feast Days… Now we worship in "spirit and in truth" (Luke 13: 35, John 4: 20-24)

The Levitical priesthood by mortal man was replaced by the immortal Melchisedec priesthood of Jesus (Hebrews 7-10).

The Passover Feast was changed to the act of washing each other's feet and the Last Supper observance (Matthew 26: 26-28, Great Controversy, by EGW, p. 399, Amazing Grace, by EGW, p. 152, and Patriarchs and Prophets, by EGW, p. 539). Please note: The Passover was never an annual Sabbath.

Unleavened Bread is to be kept even by New Covenant Christians with the idea that it is of the heart with sincerity and truth (1 Corinthians 5: 7-8).

The Wave Sheaf was Jesus' resurrection and also will be believers gathered to Him at his second coming (1 Corinthians 15:23, Great Controversy, by EGW, p. 399). Please note: Wave Sheaf was never an annual Sabbath.

Regarding the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost, while we have received the Holy Spirit from the Former Rain to lead and guide us, we are to pray for the outpouring of the Latter Rain and our preparation to receive it so that we will be enabled to preach the return of Jesus in power and in glory (John 14: 3; Acts 1:11; Acts 2; Joel 2: 28-32; Spiritual Gifts, by EGW, vol. 4b p. 59; Acts of the Apostles, by EGW, p. 55; Great Controversy, by EGW, p. 611; Testimonies for the Church, by EGW, vol. 5, p. 158). Please note: Dr. Veith stated "If I keep this feast then I am awaiting this outpouring that will enable me to preach the Messiah in power and in glory… He's already come!" Dr. Veith hit the nail on the head as to precisely why he SHOULD be keeping this feast! Yes, Jesus came as He prophesied He would and died for my sins… and this SAME Jesus will come again (John 14: 3 and Acts 1: 11) because He does what He says He will do! Thus our denomination's name "Adventists"!

The Feast of Trumpets is to involve our "rending of the heart" and to warn the world of judgment and the soon coming of Jesus (Joel 2: 1, 11, & 12-13, Testimonies for the Church, by EGW, vol. 9 p. 25-29).

We have and are being reconciled to God through Jesus' atonement and as such have been given the charge to be His ambassadors to the world to lift up Jesus so they too can be reconciled to God (John 12: 32, Hebrews 9: 11-12, 2 Corinthians 5: 18-21).

Jesus dwells among us via his Holy Spirit and gives us the offer of drinking of His water of life to refresh us and flow out of us to others bringing them to Jesus and His everlasting life (Revelation 22: 17, John 4: 14, Desire of Ages, by EGW, p. 454, Matthew 13: 37-43, Revelation 21: 3-4).

Regarding the death penalty that was to be imposed on certain crimes against the Statutes and God or fellow mankind in the Old Covenant era… (See Exodus 21: 12-17, Exodus 22: 19-20, Exodus 31: 14-15, Leviticus 20 and 24, and numerous other situations listed in Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). However, in the New Covenant era I would tend to think the following guidelines would apply: Jesus' example in dealing with the woman caught in adultery (John 8: 1-11), the parable of the unforgiving servant (Matthew 18: 35), and the fact that vengeance and judgment belong to the Lord (Hebrews 10: 30). While the wages of sin is STILL death (either by natural consequences, civil judgments, or divine judgments) in our New Covenant era… thankfully the gift of God is STILL eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6: 23)!

Of Note: While I don't have any biblical proof that the statutes pertaining to the Children of Israel's hygiene issues especially while they were out in the desert were done away with, I tend to think that logic would say if one has anti-bacterial soap, sterilizers, vaccines, antibiotics, etc. perhaps they might not be currently relevant… then again… epidemiologists and healthcare professionals might not have such lucrative job security if everyone followed the hygiene statutes detailed by the Great Physician Himself. Hmmm…

B. Regarding Colossians 2: 14-17:

Dr. Veith indicated that the Sabbath days this passage was referring to were annual Sabbath days, which pointed forward to the Messiah. While I agree that all the Feast days and all the Sanctuary service and all the Law both Moral and formerly the Ceremonial is/was to serve the purpose of pointing a person to Jesus past, present, and future… I would like to point out that the word Sabbath here is Greek word 4521 in the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible of which the definition reads: "The Sabbath, or day of weekly repose from secular avocations (also the observance or institution itself); by extens. A sennight, i.e. the interval between two Sabbaths; likewise the plur. In all the above applications:- Sabbath (day), week."

Was Paul "Paul" or "Saul" before and at the time of Jesus' ministry here on Earth? He was "Saul". He only became "Paul" AFTER Jesus went back up to Heaven but appeared to him on the road to Damascus. So when he wrote the book of Colossians, his perspective was AFTER the cross. He was writing to gentiles (in Turkey) now converted to Christianity… also AFTER the cross. Also, please note Paul did not say these things WERE a shadow of things to come, he said these things ARE a shadow of things to come. The English grammar indicating a present and futuristic status of these things, not a past tense of "pointing to the Messiah".

Whether a person concludes that the "handwriting of ordinances" in Colossians refers to the Ceremonial Law being done away with or the record of debt being done away with is irrelevant because both options apply. See Colossians 2: 13 and the sister passage in Ephesians 2: 14-16. However, please note this: The ordinances that Ephesians 2 and Colossians 2 refer to is Greek word #1378 in the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible which reads: "a law (civil, cer. Or eccl.): - decree, ordinance." So please note: only the civil, ceremonial, or ecclesiastical ordinances were done away with at the cross.

Here is a sample list of some other ordinances that remain in effect and as such must be considered Moral Law since Ceremonial Law is done away with in the New Covenant:

Don't eat animal fat or blood (Leviticus 3: 17). The blood represents the life of the animal and the fat is just plain unhealthy for our temple. Of Note: Consuming blood has vastly different implacations than receiving an infusion of blood into our blood. Putting Leviticus 17:11 "For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul." together with John 15: 13 "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." and with Matthew 26: 28 "For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." and one gets this message: God offered His blood to give us spiritual and eternal life because He loves us... In turn we should (as is possible) give our blood to give others literal and temporal life because we love our fellow mankind." So giving and receiving blood for transfusions is entirely biblical and a beautiful poignant mini picture of the most intimate gift of God to us and from us to/from others.

No devil sacrifices (Leviticus 17: 7). Obviously related to the 1st Commandment.

No incest (Leviticus 18: 7-18). Related to the 7th Commandment and meant to not defile the natural genetic order of things.

Good sexual hygiene (Leviticus 18: 19). Blood is sacred and represents life.

No cheating someone (Leviticus 18: 20). Related to the 8th Commandment.

No human sacrifices (Leviticus 18: 21). Related to the 2nd and the 6th Commandments.

No homosexuality (Leviticus 18: 22). Related to the 7th Commandment and keeping your body holy.

No bestiality (Leviticus 18: 23). Related to the 7th Commandment and keeping your body the temple of the Holy Spirit holy.

No amalgamation (Leviticus 19: 19). Keeping God's natural laws the way they are meant to be kept for our stewardship of this Earth.

No tattoos (Leviticus 19: 28). Not marring our temple.

Keep God's Sabbaths and reverence His Sanctuary (Leviticus 19: 30). Our sign of allegiance to God.

Feast Days (Leviticus 23). (Note: No differentiation between annual versus weekly Sabbath in the Hebrew except for a "High Sabbath" when the annual Sabbath fell on the weekly Sabbath… see Hebrew #7676 verses 7677)

Will your stuff to your family if possible (Numbers 27: 8-11). Kind of the reverse of the 5th Commandment.

Ten Commandments (Deuteronomy 5). Yes, these are called statutes which is the same thing as ordinances and yet are the heart of the Moral Law.

Clean versus unclean meats (Deuteronomy 14: 3-21). Keeping our temple holy and not defiling it.

Tithing (Deuteronomy 14: 22-29 and Malachi 3-4). Related to the 8th Commandment and actually called a commandment (Leviticus 27: 30-34).

What exactly was "against" us?

While Paul was a Jew (Acts 21: 39)(apparently a Benjamite), he was also considered to be a Roman because of where he was born (Tarsus) (Acts 22: 28). In the Old Covenant God had made a provision that anyone from any nation could join His people if they would obey His commands/laws (Isaiah 56: 6-8 and Numbers 15: 15-16). In the Old Covenant, by obedience to the Ceremonial Law (as well as to the Moral Law), any gentile could show their faith in the coming Messiah and be counted as one of God's children. Dr. Veith pointed out in Deuteronomy 31: 26 that the ordinances were to be a "witness against" the people… However, it was both the Ceremonial Law and the Moral Law that was held up as a standard "against" which they were judged. It was the thing they were weighed "against" and compared to. But the Ceremonial Law and the Moral Law were not "against" them as in out-to-get them!

After the cross in this era of the New Covenant, just the Moral Law is what we are weighed "against" as evidenced by this quote by Ellen G. White, "Then there appears against the sky a hand holding two tables of stone folded together. Says the prophet: "The heavens shall declare His righteousness: for God is judge Himself." Psalm 50:6. That holy law, God's righteousness, that amid thunder and flame was proclaimed from Sinai as the guide of life, is now revealed to men as the rule of judgment. The hand opens the tables, and there are seen the precepts of the Decalogue, traced as with a pen of fire. The words are so plain that all can read them. Memory is aroused, the darkness of superstition and heresy is swept from every mind, and God's ten words, brief, comprehensive, and authoritative, are presented to the view of all the inhabitants of the earth. It is impossible to describe the horror and despair of those who have trampled upon God's holy requirements. The Lord gave them His law; they might have compared their characters with it and learned their defects while there was yet opportunity for repentance and reform; but in order to secure the favor of the world, they set aside its precepts and taught others to transgress. They have endeavored to compel God's people to profane His Sabbath. Now they are condemned by that law which they have despised. With awful distinctness they see that they are without excuse. They chose whom they would serve and worship. "Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not." Malachi 3:18." (Great Controversy, p. 639-640)

The Moral Law obviously includes the Ten Commandments and some of the above listed other ordinances (minus any ceremonial/ritual/obligatory stuff) and is not out-to-get us either. Yet, it IS the thing "against" which we are compared and our characters weighed "against". That thought is meant to make us turn to Jesus when we realize how wretched we are when compared to that Law and appreciate the weight of realization that He PAID MY DEBT for me! Mission accomplished for what the Law is supposed to do for me… bring me to my Savior (Romans 7: 21, 8: 3-4 and Galatians 3: 19-29). As such, the remaining ordinances including the Ten Commandments are all for our good and for our spiritual/physical/social safety. David rightly said in Psalm 19: 8, "The statutes (exact same thing as ordinance) of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart…"

C. The Weekly Sabbath our Example:

The 7th day Sabbath is an example of how to also keep the annual Sabbaths nowadays. Why? Because before the cross in the Old Covenant the 7th day Sabbath had Ceremonial Law attached to it (Numbers 28: 9-10, 1 Chronicles 23: 31, 2 Chronicles 2: 4, 2 Chronicles 8: 12-13, 2 Chronicles 31: 3, Nehemiah 10: 33, Ezekiel 45: 17). Yet, after the cross in the New Covenant we manage to keep it quite nicely minus any ceremonial stuff. It is the same principal with the annual Sabbaths… they are kept as rest days from work (Leviticus 23: 7-8, 21, 25, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36, and 39) worshiping God in spirit and in truth.

D. Our Source and Incentive for a Liturgical Feast Day Calendar:

Dr. Veith asked the question, "Where in the Bible does it say that we need a liturgical calendar incorporating Jewish feasts?" First of all, they are not "Jewish Feasts" but rather "Feasts of the Lord" (Leviticus 23: 2, 4, and 44). But if one would like to still refer to them as Jewish Feasts, that is okay provided a person realizes that they were still kept in the post-cross Christian church by Paul AND his gentile Christian converts even after the Jerusalem Council (See Acts 2: 1-4 & 47, Acts 12: 1-3, Acts 18: 21, Acts 20: 6 & 16, Acts 27: 9, 1 Corinthians 5: 7-8, Sketches from the Life of Paul, by EGW, p. 105, and Acts of the Apostles, by EGW, p. 39)… AND provided such a Christian person realizes that if he/she is to take the name of Christian and expects the promises made to literal Israel to be fulfilled to them being spiritual Israel, then that person must also take the responsibility of obeying God's directives transferred to spiritual Israel now in the New Covenant in a spiritual way (minus any ceremonial stuff) including the Feast Day Sabbaths as Sabbaths of rest spent with Jesus and equipping us for our mission as ambassadors to a doomed world for Jesus. (Acts 1: 8 and 1 Peter 2: 9-10). Also, realize that according to history as provided by the Catholic church, the Catholics took away those "Jewish Feasts" as indicated below:

T. Enright of the Redemptorist Fathers Letter in June 1905 stating that the Catholic Church abolished not only the Sabbath but all the other Jewish Festivals.

So, I would say that Leviticus 23 and Deuteronomy 16 suffice for liturgical calendars incorporating "Jewish Feasts"… And that Exodus 13: 9; Numbers 29: 40; and Ezekiel 20: 12, 19-20 provides enough of an incentive to keep those weekly AND annual Sabbaths… Not to mention the various blessings versus curses depending on if one does or does not keep them (further expounded on at

With the above considerations, I highly recommend Dr. Walter Veith's Heritage of Israel lecture, the other titles in the Rekindling the Reformation set, and the other excellent series he offers at

Bible Feast Days